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Israel is bombing 1.7 million people in central Gaza

Subject: 1.7 million trapped in Khan Younis / 1.7 million trapped in central Gaza / Israel is bombing 1.7 million people in central Gaza / We must force a ceasefire / Largest number of wounded in Gaza to date / Gaza’s healthcare system is decimated / Palestinians are dying of minor injuries due to attacks on hospitals

Dear [Elected Official / Candidate’s Name], 

I am writing to urgently call for immediate support and decisive action to address the continuing catastrophe in the Gaza Strip. Since the full invasion of Rafah began, over 1 million Palestinians have been forcibly displaced, moving into the central areas of Gaza. Approximately 1.7 million people are now trapped in Khan Younis, Deir el-Balah, and al-Mawasi.

This region of Gaza, covering only 69 square kilometres (26 square miles), has become the most densely populated place on earth. The bombardment by Israeli forces continues with unprecedented intensity, exacerbating the already unfathomable humanitarian catastrophe.

Few intact structures remain, and there is a severe scarcity of food. Many displaced individuals moved without any tents or personal belongings due to the hasty evacuation from Rafah. The already depleted healthcare system is now overwhelmed by the number of casualties arriving at the few remaining healthcare facilities.

Reports indicate that people are lying on hospital floors, with a continuous influx of injured individuals. The number of ambulances, trucks, and animal-drawn carts bringing the injured to Al-Aqsa Hospital is higher than at any other point in the genocide, according to those on the ground.

Hani Mahmoud stated, “This is the first time I’ve seen this large a number of wounded people come here at one time. The number is so massive with women, children, and the elderly included. It’s safe to say the hospital is unable to accommodate this large number of injuries. It definitely needs support to continue sustaining its operation.”

Karin Huster from Doctors Without Borders described the situation: “The odour of blood in the hospital’s emergency room this morning was unbearable. There are people lying everywhere, on the floor, outside … bodies were being brought in plastic bags. The situation is overwhelming. With the insane escalation of violence in various locations of the Gaza Strip over the last 48 hours and while the Rafah crossing point has remained closed for a month, the health system has been stretched to the point of collapse. The situation is apocalyptic.”

The lack of healthcare and access to humanitarian aid is ensuring that casualties will die of preventable injuries and illnesses. People are dying from wounds that would be treatable under normal circumstances, including infections, dehydration, and lack of essential medical care. The deliberate targeting of healthcare facilities and personnel exacerbates this crisis, denying the most basic human right to life-saving treatment.

While much attention has been focused on Rafah, we must recognise that the situation on the ground is rapidly changing. The majority of those sheltering in Rafah have now moved into an uninhabitable wasteland in central Gaza, where they continue to face relentless bombardment.

A ceasefire must be enforced immediately. As Israel will not accept one, they must be compelled by the international community with sanctions. It is our collective responsibility to maintain attention on the entire Gaza Strip and hold accountable those responsible for the ongoing genocide, both in Israel and among those who support its actions.

I urge you to advocate for immediate sanctions to ensure a ceasefire and the full access of international humanitarian aid to Gaza. The time to act is now, to prevent further loss of innocent lives and to uphold the principles of human rights and international law.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Full Address]