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Israel is flattening the Jabalia Refugee Camp

Subject: Israel is flattening the Jabalia Refugee Camp

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

In the north of the Gaza Strip, the situation continues to deteriorate as Israeli forces have withdrawn troops and begun a relentless bombing campaign in the densely populated Jabalia refugee camp, targeting residential blocks, an UNRWA school, and even launched a targeted attack against children fetching water. I call on you to urgently address the ever-escalating crisis in the Gaza Strip to stop the unnecessary bloodshed of Palestinian civilians.

As Israel’s unconscionable assault on Rafah in the south continues, Jabalia Refugee Camp in the north is being flattened by Israeli airstrikes. Complete residential neighbourhoods have been demolished in the bombings, burying unknown numbers of people under rubble, as more emergency efforts are made to recover victims. 22 people are already confirmed dead from one residential block outside Kamal Adwan Hospital, the majority of those killed being women and children. The injured have all been transferred inside the hospital, which severely lacks medical supplies and basic necessities.

At least 8 people have also been killed after Israeli artillery shelling targeted a group of Palestinians, including children, filling water containers in the al-Faluja area. “We were displaced to the Faluja area, which is considered a safe area, and suddenly this place was shelled by the Israelis. We do not know where to go,” a witness said.

These latest reports follow more instances of occupation forces obstructing access to medical assistance and aid, including firing upon ambulances, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. Preventing access to medical aid is against international law, and is something we have repeatedly seen Israel do, including the bombing and targeting of hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Israel has targeted another evacuation centre in the Jabalia refugee camp where displaced families were sheltering. The Israeli military recently withdrew from the area, but as soon as people came out of the evacuation centre, they were bombed in an air strike. Bombing evacuation centres and routes, bombing a refugee camp, and firing tanks on civilians is not self-defence. These acts constitute heinous war crimes designed to increase civilian casualties which, with the deliberate targeting of healthcare facilities, guarantees increased fatalities. This is all deliberate.

Reports indicate that people in the North are surviving on only 200 calories a day, resorting to drinking seawater to stay alive. Jabalia Refugee camp has already been bombed and invaded by occupation forces multiple times, resulting in massacres and civilian casualties. Emerging footage shows children trapped under rubble and families lying dead in the streets. It is imperative that immediate action is taken to stop our country’s support of this genocide.

And now, as Israel assaults Jabalia again, Palestinians are trapped with no place to go.

We cannot permit these war crimes to continue any longer. Israel must not be enabled to act with impunity. Words alone are insufficient; we must demand concrete action to hold Israel accountable.

I implore you to take immediate steps to halt ALL arms sales to Israel, sanction the apartheid state, implement a two-way trade embargo and freeze all overseas assets belonging to the rogue state. Failure to act in the face of this avoidable grave humanitarian catastrophe is not acceptable. As my elected official, you bear a responsibility to halt this genocide and lend your voice to ending these atrocities.

Your constituent,

[Full Name]
[Full Address]