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Israeli Forces Open Fire on West Bank Civilians

Subject: Israeli Forces Open Fire on West Bank Civilians / Israeli Incursion in West Bank Targets Civilians / Stop Israeli Violence in the West Bank

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to urgently address the continued violence in the illegally occupied West Bank, where Israeli forces recently launched a large-scale incursion in Jenin, resulting in the deaths of Palestinian students, a teacher, and a doctor. Eyewitnesses report that troops opened fire indiscriminately at Palestinians, including journalists, ambulances, a moving civilian car, and people in the courtyard of Jenin hospital.

During this incursion, at least seven people were killed and 19 wounded, with two in serious condition. On 21st May, an undercover unit of Israeli special forces was discovered in Jenin refugee camp, followed by a military incursion. Witnesses reported that Israeli forces shot indiscriminately at any Palestinian in their vicinity, including people in cars and families picking up their children from school.

Two boys, Osama Abu Hajeer, 16, and Mahmoud Hamadneh, 15, were killed as they left school. Allam Jaradat, a teacher, was shot dead in his vehicle. A photograph from his car showed blood-stained school reports in the backseat. Dr Osaid Jabarin, a general surgery specialist, was fatally shot outside Jenin Hospital, where he had worked for 17 years. Wissam Sbeihat, the director general of the health ministry in the city, remarked that “[there is] complete destruction of the infrastructure and direct targeting of medical personnel and ambulance teams.”

Other victims include Basem Turkman, 53, Muamar Abu Amira, 50, and Amir Abu Amira, 22. Journalist Amr Manasara and two men in a car were also wounded. Israeli forces also blocked medical teams from reaching some of the wounded, leading to additional deaths.

The situation in Jenin camp is catastrophic, with snipers preventing medical assistance and military bulldozers destroying infrastructure. Social media footage showed explosive devices and heavy gun exchanges, with no immediate reports of Israeli casualties.

In over seven months, more than 500 Palestinians, including over 120 children, have been killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank. Since October 7th, over 39,675 civilians have been killed in Gaza. Israel’s continued aggression targets Palestinian civilians, aiming to ethnically cleanse them through forced displacement, murder, bombing of residential areas and hospitals, starvation, and blockade of medical aid.

Words of caution are insufficient. Immediate international action, including sanctions, is necessary to halt Israel’s criminal actions. Without this, a ceasefire and lasting peace are unattainable.

I urge you to condemn the ongoing violence and human rights abuses against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and demand an immediate end to the illegal occupation. Support international efforts to hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law, including prosecuting individuals responsible for war crimes.

A panel of legal experts has unanimously backed the ICC prosecutor seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, and senior Hamas leaders. The charges against Israel’s prime minister include “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare,” and “extermination and/or murder… including deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity.” As an elected official, you must ensure accountability for these crimes to uphold international law.

Ending the genocide in Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian territories is crucial for any lasting peace. We cannot stand idly by while innocent civilians suffer under the oppressive Israeli regime. Stand on the right side of history and work towards peace, justice, and equality for all in the region.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your prompt and decisive action in support of the Palestinian people’s fundamental rights and dignity.

Your constituent,
[Full Name]
[Full Address]