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Israel has bombed a journalist tent in Al-Aqsa hospital courtyard

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Israel has bombed a journalist tent in Al-Aqsa hospital courtyard

Dear [Elected Official’s Name],

I am writing to express my complete astonishment at the recent war crimes being committed by Israel in Gaza.

On Sunday, 31st March 2024, Israeli forces targeted a group of tents within the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Hospital, alleging these tents housed a Hamas command centre. This claim was rapidly debunked, with journalists Hind Khoudary, Ali Jadallah, and Ashraf Mara disclosing that the attack was directed at their tent, a journalistic base they have used since November 2023.

The act of targeting tents sheltering displaced Palestinians constitutes a grave war crime. The fact that these tents are located within a hospital courtyard, alongside journalists, further emphasises the extreme measures Israel will undertake to suppress the truth.

These incidents are not isolated. Video evidence has come to light showing previous bombings of tents across the Gaza Strip, including recent attacks in Rafah, the most densely populated area on the globe. Khaled al-Dakran, spokesperson for Al-Aqsa Hospital, stated that the hospital’s courtyard was the direct target of the Israeli assault, underlining the necessity for the international community to protect hospitals, medical teams, and health sector workers. He described the state of panic and horror among patients, the wounded, and the displaced, fearful of further attacks on the hospital.

The persistence of these actions over an extended period is indefensible. The international community, including our own country, must impose sanctions on Israel to bring an end to this suffering. It falls upon us all to prevent a genocide. Despite the severity of the atrocities committed on 7th October, the ongoing infliction of suffering, starvation, and contempt for human life is intolerable.

At present, 1.1 million people are experiencing famine, including over 500,000 children. This forced starvation, as categorised by the United Nations, is the quickest in recorded history and is entirely preventable. Israel is solely responsible for obstructing aid and targeting those attempting to gather the limited aid dropped into the small strip by international bodies.

Merely hoping for an end is not sufficient; more aid and mere words are not enough. I remind you that Israel is currently under investigation by the highest international court for acts of genocide.

We must stand against this and every form of holocaust, not only historically but also in the present and future. I urge you, as my representative, to call for the immediate halt of arms sales, all exports, financial ties, and the full sanctioning of the state of Israel.



[Your Full Name]